Aug 4, 2011

My First Blogging Class - Assignment 1

I'm taking an online blogging class right now to learn more about what I'm suppose to be doing!  This week we discussed thinking about why we blog and our goals.  Our assignment was to answer some of the questions in the class and post our answers on our own blog.  Here's what I came up with:

What are you going to blog about?
I would like to blog about frugal living, raising kids on a tight budget, and frugal educational ideas for parents to use with their kids

Do you plan to be blogging long-term – or is this just something you want to give a try right now and see how you like it?
I'm just trying this for fun right now. It's fun, and I love to learn about technology.

Do you have any goals for your blog that come to mind right away? How can you make these goals more specific?
      1. Write 4 posts per week.
      2. Link to one blog hop per week.
      3. Visit and interact with at least 10 other blogs per week.

Do you have any blogging goals?  Feel free to share your goals below!


  1. How cool that you're taking a class!! Everything I've learned has been by asking fellow bloggers or Googling. I keep meaning to read a book but haven't found the time yet. My goals: host a weekly linky party, get ads on my site, and continue to grow my blog traffic. Keep sharing what you've learned!!

  2. Could you share how you host a linky party? That sounds like something I would like to try. Thanks!

  3. I think having a linky party is a great way to get traffic.

  4. Stopping by from Bloglina's class!

    WOW! These are some BIG goals. When I look at my goals you are making me second guess myself. Well I know that we will be successful with this class.
